• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


Hunt | Fish | Camp

Survival techniques to enjoy hunting and fishing with emergency preparedness, survival kits, survival gear, food and cooking, dutch oven recipes and how to cook wild game.

I love sleeping out under the stars. While I will not use my tarp or tent, I won't forgo my Downmat 7!

Choose the best sleeping pad for camping or backpacking

600 370 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Getting a good night’s sleep in the wilderness depends on a lot of variables. Don’t forget the sleeping pad! Here’s how to pick one that works for you.

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snow camping

10 tips for warm sleeping in cold weather camping

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Nothing is more miserable that a night spent shivering from the cold or where you just can’t stay comfortably warm. Here are 10 tips for staying warm and getting a good night’s sleep.

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what to put in hunting daypack, best hunting daypack, make survival kit

Video: What to carry in your big game hunting daypack

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

A hunter’s daypack houses a very personal collection of gear designed to keep you safe, dry and warm. It also must contain meat cutting tools and equipment. Here’s what I carry in mine.

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10 tips for hooking kids on fishing

448 299 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Want to wean those kids away from the video games and TV binge watching? Teach them how to fish. Here are some tips for getting beginner kids started.

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Lobo Minnesota from Downriver: A Mississippi River Canoe Voyage Chapter 4

500 375 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

In the 1930s, a giant wolf became infamous for slaughtering deer in the Lake Itasca area. Here’s the story of the man who ended the wolf’s bloody career….

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My dad rescued this shotgun from a pile of captured Nazi weapons destined for destruction

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

My dad’s shotgun was a handmade drilling shotgun/rifle he brought home from Germany in World War II. It’s my personal connection with the last days of the war in Europe.

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squirrel, blackpowder squirrel hunting

Hunt with a flintlock rifle, then make squirrel mulligan stew

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Some recipes feel like old friends, and this recipe for squirrel mulligan stew is a perennial favorite.

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Videos: Nine mistakes that can ruin cast iron cookware

490 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Taking care of your cast iron cookware is not difficult, but ruining the finish is easy. Here are some things NOT to do.

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Typical Idaho elk hunting terrain. Out here, you earn any game animal. (Pantenburg photos)

Review: Choose the best elk hunting boots now

397 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Elk hunting footwear is really, really important. Before you invest in expensive boots for that first western hunt, here are some suggestions.

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This spoon fishing lure was made from a common kitchen spoon. It works very well! (Pantenburg photo)

Make a fishing lure from a kitchen spoon

300 246 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

One of the most useful, and effective fishing lures is the common spoon. Here’s how to make a good one, for pennies, from recycled materials.

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