• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


Posts Tagged :

bark river machete

five-reasons-you- don't-need-a-choil

Five reasons you don’t need a choil on your knife blade

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Knives go through fashion cycles, just like any other product. One fad is the choil, a ground-out section in front of the handle. Here is why you don’t need one.

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Video review: ESEE Junglas- Kydex Sheath w/ Molle Back

200 100 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

When you need a machete and/or a chopper, the ESEE Junglas may be the best choice. It is a rock solid user tool that handles well and is designed for hard work under harsh conditions.

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review-best-machete, best machete, Bark River Machete

Best machete on the market | Another look at Bark River’s big knife

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The only valid cutlery review is one that uses the blade for the purpose it was designed. That’s how the Bark River Machete was tested. It was wrung out on one of the most abrasive and challenging mediums imaginable – bamboo. Here’s a second look at how it worked out.

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review-best-machete, best machete, Bark River Machete

Review: Bravo machete – best brush chopper on the market?

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

I like machetes, carry one in my car survival kit, and use them a lot. If you are looking for a solid blade that won’t let you down, then you need to take a hard look at the Bark River Machete.

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