Looking for a good reasonably-tasty thirst quencher?
This herb tea uses commonly-available wild plants, and it’s easy to make.
by Leon Pantenburg

Make sure any plant you forage has not been sprayed with a herbicide or pesticide.
Summer is here, and if you’re doing anything outside you need to stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water is a good idea, but water alone isn’t enough – the best drink for hot weather includes electrolytes to help you body absorb moisture.
The video below shows a simple tea recipe that supplies vitamins and minerals and uses common weeds (or actually, misplaced native plants with medicinal properties that grow wild) mullein, lemon balm and mint. All these are very easy to grow or forage for. Read the complete story about finding and using mullein: https://survivalcommonsense.com/make-medicinal-mullein-tea/
But first, get a good plant book with quality color illustrations and MAKE SURE YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT PLANT YOU ARE PICKING!!!
I make tea about every day, and the recipe is very creative and it certainly isn’t set in stone. Basically, for a three-plant tea, I’ll combine equal proportions of the fresh leaves. How much? – that depends on your taste preferences. I use a pitcher full of cold water, heated to a boil, then removed from the heat. Seep the chopped leaves for a while – a minimum of 15 minutes up to several hours.
I don’t use artificial sweeteners, but some honey or maple syrup can take the edge off the bitterness. It’s all about what tastes good to you. I have acquired a taste for the weed tea, and all I might add is a couple bags of store-bought raspberry zinger. Experimenting is half the fun!
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Summer is here, and if you’re doing anything outside you need to stay hydrated. Try weed (or herb) tea. Drinking lots of water isn’t enough – you also need electrolytes. This video shows a simple tea recipe that supplies vitamins and minerals and uses common weeds.
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