• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense



choose best knife handle, how to choose a hunting knife, best survival knife

Handle design video | Most important part of choosing a survival/bushcraft knife?

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

One of the first decisions when buying a knife should be how well the handle fits your hand. Here is how to find a knife handle that best fits your needs.

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Video: How to make an emergency A-frame tarp shelter

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

It is virtually impossible to make an emergency waterproof shelter out of natural materials, even if you have the time, tools and practice! In many instances, the A-Frame tarp shelter may be the best choice!

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This stack of garage sale cast iron skillets can be restored to usefulness with a little work.

Video: How to season cast iron cooking implements on a barbecue grill

300 214 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Cast iron cookware will last forever if you take care of it. But what happens if an implement is neglected and develops some rust? Or what about that crusty, dirty relic of an unsuccessful camping trip you find at a garage sale?

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The L.T. Wright Next Gen (top) and Rouge River are great user knives.

How to: Baton firewood with a butter knife

600 366 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Most survival knife reviews at some point show the blade being pounded – or batoned -through a block of firewood. But batoning is not a big deal if you use the right technique. This method is so simple you can baton firewood with a butter knife.

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big river wild adventures

Video: Bushcraft Basics teaches wilderness skills to help urbanites survive

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Can bushcraft skills and techniques be adapted to urban settings? I think so, and that is what my book is all about: “Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook”.

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Video: Make a tasty, healthy tea with common ‘weeds’

495 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Summer is here, and if you’re doing anything outside you need to stay hydrated. Try weed (or herb) tea. Drinking lots of water isn’t enough – you also need electrolytes. This video shows a simple tea recipe that supplies vitamins and minerals and uses common weeds

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Review: The L.T. Wright GNS may be your best bushcraft knife choice

600 343 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The L.T. Wright GNS bushcrafter promises to be a contender in that elusive, almost-mythical best all-around knife category.

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Dutch oven cooking is an efficient way to cook food for large groups of people.

Video: How to make sauerkraut chocolate cake with storage foods

600 329 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Sauerkraut is a super food for preppers and survival and off-grid types, and here is one way to integrate it into your diet. With a delicious chocolate cake.

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People enjoy talking about new technology, equipment or skills that they have learned. They are justifiably proud of their new knowledge.

Video: Gear you don’t need – dump the Mylar blankets from your survival kit

375 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Do you carry a Mylar blanket as an emergency shelter item? If so, here’s why you should get rid of it.

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Survival in whitewater depends on proper training and good equipment.

Reader’s comments: Controlling panic when canoe capsizes in whitewater

300 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

After my immediate shock of being in the water, gasping for air between waves, I recalled something one of your newsletters or blog posts mentioned about survival. I thought you might be interested that in the face of a stressful situation, your words of advice came to me and helped me.

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