• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


Survival knives

Which survival knives work best for different emergency situations, or hunting, fishing, skinning, rope cutting, general purpose? Leon Pantenburg reviews many top shelf survival knives and puts them through extensive field testing.

ext-2, Bark river knives. best deer hunting knife

Best deer hunting knife? We review the Bark River Bravo EXT-2

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The Fox River is already one of Bark River’s most popular hunting knives. This version combines the Fox River blade and Bravo handle, and I’m betting it will be even more popular.

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Video: Best beginner knife? Consider the Mora Scout 39

600 348 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Q: What is a good knife for my child to learn knife handling skills with? A: Consider this Mora Scout Model 39 – safety is paramount while the youngster is learning knife handling skills. And this is a good choice.

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Review: Opinel #10, an excellent inexpensive folding knife

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

An Opinel can be an inexpensive beginner’s folding knife or a hard-working tool for experts. 

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UP Bravo Grail knife improved | Check out the elk antler re-handle

558 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

These Kendall Carpenter custom handles made my Bark River UP series “grail knives” even better. Here is how I chose the best handle for my hunting knives.

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Best EDC Knife? We review the Big D Delta Cruiser XL

490 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

What makes the best Every Day Carry knife?That varies with individuals. But if you want a high-quality, reasonably-priced custom knife, you probably need to talk to Donavon Phillips

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Review: Versa rescue knife could be a lifesaver

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

I carry a crowbar, machete, ball peen hammer and hatchet in my vehicle.
But what good will they do me if I’m trapped inside a wrecked car, with  a jammed seat belt behind a stuck door? How could that seat belt be cut or the window broken to get out? This Versa survival knife may be just what is needed.

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bark river puukko, bark river knives

Review: Return of the Bark River Puukko, a classic user knife

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

One of the most useful knife patterns is the traditional Scandinavian fixed blade. The reason is simple – it flat-out works.This latest puukko interpretation by Bark River combines modern materials with a proven design.

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Video: Best bushcraft knife? We review the TOPS Brothers of Bushcraft knife

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Anything designed by a committee can end up being a disaster. But this bushcraft/survival knife, designed by a group of bushcraft experts, may prove an exception to that rule. 

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The Mini-Sportsman is a quality fillet/boning knife.

Knife review | The Bark River Kalahari Mini-Sportsman may be the fillet/boning knife for you

560 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

A fillet knife may end up being the most useful blade you have. Here’s a new version of an already great piece of cutlery.

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Review: Arno Bernard Hunter Model with Giraffe Bone Handle

423 284 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

So pretty knives should be safe queens, and only taken out to be admired? Nope – this good-looking, well-designed knife is intended to be used hard.

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