• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


Survival knives

Which survival knives work best for different emergency situations, or hunting, fishing, skinning, rope cutting, general purpose? Leon Pantenburg reviews many top shelf survival knives and puts them through extensive field testing.

Review: Bark River Mini Gunny – Your Grail knife may be here!

600 398 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The Bark River Gunny series of knives is one of my all-time favorite cutlery designs. The new Mini Gunny may end up being your favorite.

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Bark River Bird and Trout Knife has great design, many uses

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

For small game and fishing, you need a light, handy knife for gutting and field dressing. That’s what the Bark River Bird and Trout Knife was designed for.

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It's a beefed up, Scandinavian style knife. If you like Mora-style knives, you'll probably love the Bark River Liten Bror.

Check out this video review of the Bark River Liten Bror

480 288 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

It’s a beefed up, Scandinavian style knife. If you like Mora-style knives, you’ll probably love the Bark River Liten Bror.

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The Bark River Bushcrafter is a medium size, do-it-all bushcraft knife.

The best bushcraft knife? We review the Bark River Bushcrafter

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

When it comes to bushcraft/survival knives, how much is enough? Here’s an offering from Bark River Knives that might be just what you need.

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Review: Bark River Mini Kephart – A do-it-all knife

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The Kephart may be the best do-it-all knife design. Bark River’s Mini Kephart may be what the backpacker, or everyday user needs.

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I made this knife and cardboard sheath 40-some years ago. The blade is quite usable and the sheath still does its job quite well! It doesn't work all that well for small game cleaning.

Choose the right knife for small game hunting

300 200 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

You can skin and field dress squirrels, rabbits, upland game and smaller animals with many different styles of knives. Here’s how to pick one that can do the job well for you, while not breaking the budget.

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Benchmade Griptillian

Knife review: The Benchmade Griptilian is Benchmade’s rock star

600 241 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Looking for a reliable lock blade folding knife? Take a look at this one.

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Review: Bark River Cub EDC

535 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

If you’re in the market for a solid knife that  can handle hard use, the Bark River Cub EDC might be what you’re looking for. The knife has a proven, classic design, with features that will endear it to most outdoorspeople. I like the EDC very much, and I’m guessing you would too.

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Review: Bark River Water Moccasin – A multi-task performer

568 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

A useful knife is useful in a variety of situations. If the knife can handle cooking chores, it may do fine when used outside. So the Bark River Water Moccasin should be on your radar if you’re looking for a knife that does a lot of things well.

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This knife and The knife and cardboard sheath were made 44 years ago. The sheath still does its job quite well!

How to make a quick, safe knife sheath out of cardboard and duct tape

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Every one-piece knife needs an edge guard or sheath for safety if it is going to be used outdoors. Here’s how to make a quick sheath out of a paper towel roll and duct tape.

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