• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


Posts Tagged :

best survival knife

Video: Carp Knives LP – A quality custom knife that can work hard

534 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

I couldn’t resist when Alabama knifemaker Kendall Carpenter offered to make a hunting knife to my specs. The result is the Carp Knives LP (for Lower Peninsula). 

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The L.T. Wright Next Gen is a great choice for an everyday carry knife.

Review: Best everyday carry knife? We check out the L.T. Wright ‘Next Gen’

600 375 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The best everyday carry knife is easy and convenient to take along. The “Next Gen” could be what you’re looking for.

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Review: The L.T. Wright GNS may be your best bushcraft knife choice

600 343 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The L.T. Wright GNS bushcrafter promises to be a contender in that elusive, almost-mythical best all-around knife category.

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Bravo 1.25 LT Custom Modified – Could this be the ultimate hunting knife?

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Bark River had a HUGE challenge by me to improve on their most popular “Bravo LT” model. But, with a request to modify the blade, you won’t believe the results. It may just be the best hunting knife ever.

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The Bark River Canadian is a multi-purpose belt knife.

Video: Is this the best bushcraft/survival belt knife? We review the Bark River Canadian

290 207 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

What’s the best design for an everyday belt knife? Don’t make any investments in that cutlery category until you check out the Bark River Canadian.

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Best survival/bushcraft cutlery? Check out this woodcraft trio

162 200 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The best all-around survival/bushcraft knife? Well, there isn’t one single tool that can do it all. But a selection of three different tools can do it all. Here are two experts’ opinions.

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Winter camping requires a whole different set of survival skills. This snow cave makes a good emergency shelter.

Why you need a plastic sled for big game hunting

501 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The euphoria from the successful shot starts to fade as you stand over the fallen big game animal. Here is a good-sized carcass that needs to be transported. The ground is muddy, and the animal just doesn’t slide. Of course, it will start to rain. You need a game sled.

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Best survival knife? Bark River Fox River survival/hunting knife review

533 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Everybody should have a good survival/hunting knife. The Fox River, made by Bark River knives, might be a good choice for you.

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My five favorite skinning knives for big game hunting

600 315 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Every prepper/survivalist/hunter needs a reliable, useful skinning knife. You may not hunt, or intend to, but some day may need to butcher a large animal. These are skinning knives that have worked well for me.

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These knives are carried by the elk hunters I hunt with. The designs and style reflect a variety of opinions on the subject of the best hunting knife!

Ten things to look for in a survival/bushcraft knife

448 236 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Everyone has different ideas about what they need in a survival/bushcraft/hunting knife. Here’s my top ten items to consider before buying one.

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