You want to carry everything you need on your hike. But you don’t want to take anything that is unnecessary.
Hikes vary from the extremes of a short walk in the park, to a months-long, through hike that lasts several thousand miles.
So how do you figure out what to take along?
Check out this downloadable, printable checklist.

August 1971, Central Iowa: First backpacking trip ever. We knew absolutely nothing about gear or hiking. John Nerness, Michael Leininiger and me.

1978 – Unitas mountains, Utah. My quote: “Oh, it can’t be that far to the car, and it probably isn’t going to rain…”

1987 Wind River Range, Wyoming: High elevations, thin air and the right amount of gear.

These Troop 18 Boy Scouts stayed warm on this winter hike because they all dressed correctly for the weather conditions.

2017 South Sister, Oregon: With the right gear, even oldtimers like me and John Nerness can enjoy outdoor adventures

2021 Wire Pass, Utah: Make sure to pack lots of water as part of your gear – the temps could rise into the three digits.
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And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: “Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook.” It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore.
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