• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


Survival Skills


Quapaw Canoe Company, Quapaw

Eco-Adventure Mississippi River / Wilderness Survival Training Tours

600 338 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Survival Common Sense co-hosts eco-river tour adventures with Quapaw Outfitters. It’s part vacation, part wilderness survival training, and part everything you ever wanted in a grand adventure. 
With Big River Wild Adventures, you’ll learn basic survival skills while canoeing on America’s largest river, on big water through big wilderness country, with experienced, and safe guides. It’s a trip of a lifetime and whole lot of fun!

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what to carry in hunting daypack, hunting daypack, western big game hunting

What gear should you carry in your deer hunting daypack?

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

A deer hunter’s daypack houses a very personal collection of gear designed to keep you safe, dry and warm under a variety of really different environments. It also must contain meat cutting tools and equipment. Here’s what works for me.

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How to Roast a Venison Hindquarter

600 350 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Easily roast a venison hindquarter in an electric roaster with marinade recipe and cooking instructions. Make delicious roast venison in a few hours.

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big river wild adventures

Big River Wild Adventures: Learn wilderness skills at this Mississippi River outdoors school

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Want a totally unique eco-vacation, but one that is affordable and nearby? Want to learn basic wilderness survival skills while canoeing on America’s largest river, through some 300 miles of wilderness? Big River Wild Adventures combines wilderness, canoe cruising and learning.

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Green Lakes, Oregon mountains, purify water

Lost hiker uses common sense to avert survival situation in Central Oregon

557 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

This lost hiker in Central Oregon avoided a survival situation by using common sense and staying put when he realized he was lost and it was getting dark. 

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Improvise footwear, keep feet warm, keep feet dry

Helicopter rescue thwarted by wrong hand signals

549 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The wrong hand signals to a rescue helicopter could have resulted in a survival disaster. 

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Review: The Urban Prepper’s Guide, tips for when everything goes down

289 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Our comfortable urban lifestyles can come to an end in an instant. Think Ukraine, or a flash flood, wildfire, earthquake, landslide, tsunami or some other natural disaster. How can you prepare for any eventuality? A good start might be to read “The Urban Prepper’s Guide” by Jim Cobb.

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Natural disasters can happen quickly - are you prepared? Five reasons normal people shy away from preppers.

BSA scout training helps family escape Ukraine war

600 384 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Wilderness survival training can be very useful in many urban situations. This Ukrainian scout used his Ten Essentials and wilderness survival training to help get his family out of Ukraine.

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wilderness-survival-skills-you-need for-urban-disasters

First aid | How to treat burns in the outdoors

300 186 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Burns are one of the most common injuries that can happen to outdoorspeople. Here is what to do.

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Green Lakes, Oregon mountains, purify water

Stay safe | Five hiking tips for crossing streams

557 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

While planning your hike, look at the topo map and check out the creeks and river crossings. Stream crossings can be dangerous.

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