• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


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Survive this: Six maps you should have for urban disaster evacuations

600 384 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

What kind of maps do you need to function in urban and/or wilderness situations? What happens during a disaster where you are forced to evacuate and need to travel by road, then go off road and finally cross country? You better know where you’re going!

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Follow the GPS into the bay? Motorists demonstrate the dangers of blind dependence on electronics

266 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

I love modern navigation equipment, but here is a good example of why you need to keep your eyes open and use common sense. Two vehicles, on two separate occasions, blindly followed their GPSs, and ended up in the bay. Watch the video. Always take extra batteries, and a map and compass for your GPS.   For more survival information,…

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The SPOT Gen3 locater beacon should be accompanied by navigation gear.

Start with these basics for your wilderness survival gear

600 318 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Let this be your mantra: “I will save me. My survival kit won’t save me. My equipment or gear can’t save me.”

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