• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


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Boy Scouts

A 55-gallon trash bag can make a quick, effective emergency shelter.

Video: Make a trash bag shelter part of your survival kit

448 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

No piece of survival equipment is worth anything if you don’t have it with you! A trash bag shelter is compact, lightweight and convenient to carry. Consider including one in your survival kit!

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Hatchet or saw: Choose the best portable survival kit woodcutting tool

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Should you carry a hatchet or a saw? It depends. When choosing any tool for wilderness or urban survival, anticipate where you might be when you may need the tool, and what tasks it will need to perform.

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wool mittens, wool, wool clothing

Know which fabrics make the best winter survival clothing

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Different fabrics have radically different properties. Choosing the wrong type, or mixing clothing of different materials, can be disastrous!

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build a fire, survival fire making, best fire making tools

Survival fire making | Old time flint and steel can be a lifesaver

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

One of the most effective methods of starting a survival fire is also one of the oldest – flint and steel.  Here is why you should consider adding a F&S kit to your survival gear.

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Dry Canyon, near Bend, Oregon.

Start your survival kit with the Ten Essentials

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

You don’t have any wilderness experience, but you want some. So what do you take along to make sure you get back? Start your survival kit with the Ten Essentials

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Troop 18 bought 50 Mora 840 Companions for the scouts to use.

Five reasons Boy Scouts should use rigid blade knives

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Many Boy Scout councils and camps ban fixed-blade knives. Here’s why they shouldn’t. (And why the well-prepared survivalist/prepper should consider adding a fixed blade to his survival gear.) by Leon Pantenburg I love folding knives, and carry one daily. As an assistant scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 18 in Bend, Oregon, and a skills trainer, I am sometimes asked for…

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I still use the 15-foot canoe that carried me all the way to the gulf.

About Leon Pantenburg

300 227 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Leon Pantenburg is a wilderness enthusiast, and doesn’t claim to be a survival expert or expertise as a survivalist. As a newspaperman for four decades, covering search and rescue, sheriffs’ departments and outdoor emergencies, Leon learned many people died unnecessarily or escaped miraculously from outdoor emergency situations when simple, common sense may have changed the outcome. Leon now teaches common sense survival techniques to the average person in order to avert potential disasters.

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