• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


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work boots

Five items beginner hikers should carry

Everybody starts out backpacking as a beginner. While experience is the best teacher, here are a few items to take along so that first backpacking or hiking trip is fun and doesn’t become an ordeal.

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How to enjoy hiking in the rain

It sounds counter-intuitive, but hiking in the rain can be fun. Here’s how you can learn to love it. Or at least not dislike it. Too much. Regardless, rain happens. Here is how to make the best of the situation.

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Colorado elk hunting de-brief and advice for newcomers

There is nothing like advice, tips and suggestions from someone who has been there and done that. This guest post (de-brief!) is from Nathan Cossey, who completed his first Over The Counter tag archery elk hunt in Colorado. He has some great insights on gear and hunting philosophy.

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Sore feet while hiking | Reader feedback and input

Apparently a lot of people have had sore feet at some point while hiking! Here is some of the feedback and suggestions we’ve received on Facebook and in the Survivalcommonsense.com comments. (And all you servicemembers – thanks for your service and the good advice!)

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