• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


Survival knives

Which survival knives work best for different emergency situations, or hunting, fishing, skinning, rope cutting, general purpose? Leon Pantenburg reviews many top shelf survival knives and puts them through extensive field testing.

Review: The L.T. Wright GNS may be your best bushcraft knife choice

600 343 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The L.T. Wright GNS bushcrafter promises to be a contender in that elusive, almost-mythical best all-around knife category.

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Bravo 1.25 LT Custom Modified – Could this be the ultimate hunting knife?

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Bark River had a HUGE challenge by me to improve on their most popular “Bravo LT” model. But, with a request to modify the blade, you won’t believe the results. It may just be the best hunting knife ever.

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lt wright large hunter, deer hunting, deer hunter knives

Review: L.T. Wright Large Northern Hunter

600 325 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

It’s one thing to call a knife a hunter. It’s another if the knife actually works in the field as a hunting knife. In this case, the L.T. Wright Large Northern Hunter is accurately named.

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The Kellam Hawk

Knife review: Kellam Hawk is traditional puukko design with modern materials

600 271 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Check out this Scandinavian, traditionally-designed user knife. This small, compact knife may be all you need.

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Best outdoor/kitchen knife? We review the Bark River Petty Z

485 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

My knife testing generally starts in the kitchen, since that is where most people use knives. In some instances, you can tell right off the bat that the blade is not going to work for food preparation. In others, the knife might work so well that it never gets out of the kitchen. This Bark River Petty Z is at home in both outdoors and inside environments.

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bark river hudson bay knife classic knife design 5.5 inch blad

Review: Bark River Hudson Bay Trade Knife – Check out this classic design with new materials

560 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

There’s a reason some knife designs are classics, and the Hudson Bay Trade Knife has earned its wilderness credentials.

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Video: Does the Bark River Mini Aurora handle well?

600 286 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The Bark River Mini Aurora Hunter has what appears to be a slim, short handle. Will it work for people with large hands?

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Bark River Saex

Bark River Seax: Ancient design + modern materials = high performance knife

600 298 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

There’s a reason this knife is a classic. It flat-out works. It’s a blade design that has withstood the test of time. It’s my do-it-all knife.

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The Bark River Canadian is a multi-purpose belt knife.

Video: Is this the best bushcraft/survival belt knife? We review the Bark River Canadian

290 207 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

What’s the best design for an everyday belt knife? Don’t make any investments in that cutlery category until you check out the Bark River Canadian.

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Best survival/bushcraft cutlery? Check out this woodcraft trio

162 200 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The best all-around survival/bushcraft knife? Well, there isn’t one single tool that can do it all. But a selection of three different tools can do it all. Here are two experts’ opinions.

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