• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


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Iowa State University


10 gear items that can make deer hunting easier

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Once a hunter qualifies for AARP membership, hunting smart becomes the rule. Here are some gear suggestions that can make the experience somewhat easier for any hunter, but no less challenging.

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A much younger Leon at a silver mine in the Beartooth Mountains in Montana.

My 1976 John Muir Trail Journal

300 203 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

…even the lousy weather can’t change the beauty of this mountain range. It’s all worth it, when I come over a ridge and can look at all the trees and mountains. The mountains are so beautiful in the mornings, I usually get up early just to watch the sunrise. The air is usually pine-scented. Walking through the forest is like walking through a cathedral. Underfoot, there is a thick carpet of pine needles, which muffles my foot steps. I have walked right up on several herds of deer, just because I was so quiet. I’m really glad to be out here.

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