• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


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As a hardcore survival stove, i.e. one that will keep on functioning regardless of the circumstances, you can't beat one that's fueled with biomass. Here's one worth considering.

Review: The improved SilverFire Survivor biomass stove is a good addition to your emergency gear

287 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

If the powergrid goes down, your propane, charcoal or gas stove will work great as long as you have fuel. But a biomass stove never runs out of fuel. Here’s a good choice.

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knife fads, best survival knife, best bushcraft knife

Five knife fads and fashions that need to go away

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Cutlery goes through fads and fashion cycles just like anything else. Here are a few that need to fade into the sunset.

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force patina on carbon steel, vinegar patina, how to put patina on steel

How to force a patina on carbon steel blade

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Make a carbon steel blade look antique with this simple method of forcing a patina with vinegar.

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