• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


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Leon Pantenburg

‘Bushcraft Basics’ gets top five bushcraft book rating

600 338 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

“Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook” has made the top five list of Bushcraftinfo.com’s best bushcraft books. Wow. Thanks, everyone!

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why-do-you-hunt, deer hunting, best deer rifle

Why do you hunt? A reasoned response to the anti-hunters

600 342 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Every hunter will probably come across someone who questions, or possibly attacks, the activity of hunting. Here’s how to answer.

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Video: Five things to avoid when choosing a survival/hunting knife.

290 207 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

What qualities need to be included the best survival/hunting knife is the topic of endless discussion. But maybe the conversation should start with the attributes you don’t want. Here are some suggestions.

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Video: Save big bucks with these laundry and dishwasher soap recipes

300 235 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

My personal rebellion against high-priced laundry soap has spread to dishwashers. Check out this video and simple, easy recipe that will save you money!

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This tent is designed for winter camping, and cold temperatures.

Choose the best four-season backpacking tent for winter camping

533 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

How do you choose a four-season backpacking tent? Well, the right tent for you for winter camping may take some looking, so get started now. Here are some considerations and suggestions.

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tarp grommets, tarps shelters, emergency shelters

Video: How to keep your tarp corner grommets from tearing out

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

A tarp camper can get in a situation where the wind blows hard enough to rip out the corner grommets. Here’s a rope trick to stop that from happening.

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Set up a new tent in your backyard before taking it camping.

10 things to consider before buying a tent

600 311 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Thinking about investing in a new tent for camping season? Here are some things to consider.

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best hunting knife, elk hunting knives, best survival knife

Before you buy any knife: Check out what kind of steel is in the blade

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Before you buy any knife, consider the steel in the blade. Here are some steels in knives I have used and trust.

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mountain scenery, hunting

Five ways to carry survival tools on a belt

600 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Check out the Okay’s Key Safe as part of an inexpensive, effective way to carry survival gear.

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rainy forest

How to cope with the precipitation: Ten tips for comfortable camping in the rain

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

There is nothing like rain to make you appreciate sunshine! After decades of backpacking and scouting, I have learned some ways to cope with rainy weather while camping.

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