• Leon Pantenburg | Survival Common Sense


Make a Fire

Learn critical fire building skills, primitive fire making, starting a fire with flint and steel, and making fire under emergency conditions, including rain and snow.

Video: How to find dry fire making tinder in wet weather

448 325 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

The ability to start a fire under survival conditions can save your life. The inability can cost your life. Here are some tips for finding dry tinder under wet, stormy conditions.

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The L.T. Wright Next Gen (top) and Rouge River are great user knives.

How to: Baton firewood with a butter knife

600 366 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Most survival knife reviews at some point show the blade being pounded – or batoned -through a block of firewood. But batoning is not a big deal if you use the right technique. This method is so simple you can baton firewood with a butter knife.

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Zippo butane lighter, Zippo

Review | Butane Zippo may need to be part of your survival fire making kit

542 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

It is hard to improve on a tried and proven piece of gear, especially when 500 million have already been sold. But this latest fire making tool from Zippo may be an improvement on that old classic lighter.

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build a fire, survival fire making, best fire making tools

Best survival firemaking method | Use cotton balls, Vaseline and ferro rod

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Here is my go-to fire making method for survival situations and how to use it. My number one choice is a combination of cotton balls infused with petroleum jelly and ignited with a ferro rod.

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Video: Dryer lint as wilderness survival firestarter? No way!

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

You stake your life on your firemaking kit components. My recommendation is to substitute cotton balls in any application you might be using dryer lint.

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Video review: We check out the Lightning-Strike mini survival firemaking kit

300 235 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Do you need a Lightning-Strike firestarter? You decide. But the ability to start a fire might someday save your life. And the inability to start a fire could cost your life.

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Don’t be left in the dark! What you need for lighting during a power blackout

435 400 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Much of the country is facing major storms and power blackouts as a result of winter storms. A survival situation can develop right in your home when the power goes out. Your backup plan must include emergency lighting. If you live in these affected areas, here are some tips to keep you from sitting in the dark.   Afraid of…

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Video: Make a Scandinavian log candle for emergency lighting

448 325 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

What if there isn’t much wood available, you want to stay warm and also be able to see in the dark? One possibility might be to make a log candle.

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Dry sticks can be found in wet situations if you know where to look.

Five tips for finding dry sticks in wet weather

600 338 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

Murphy’s Law states that the more desperately you need a fire, the harder it will be to build one. Most firemaking lessons stop with the initial ignition. But that first flame won’t last long if you don’t have dry sticks to feed the fire. Here’s how to find them.

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Be careful! Avoid these five fire safety bad habits

600 300 Survival Common Sense Blog | Emergency Preparedness

As a prepper/bushcrafter/survivalist, you may be familiar with the idea of starting and maintaining campfires. But what about fire safety?

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